MMOS Play Science Newsletter Privacy Policy

version: 2024-04-01

MMOS Sàrl respects the privacy of everybody who signs up to the MMOS Play Science newsletter. We use the Brevo CRM platform to facilitate communication with people who are interested in the MMOS Play Science app. This Privacy Policy describes what data we collect, how we use it, how we protect it and how the Privacy Policy changes over time can be tracked.

You can find the privacy policy of Brevo under the following link: that governs how their platform handles privacy related issues.

What data we collect

Identifying information: If you sign up to our newsletter, you provide an email, first name and optionally a last name.

Preferences: Your preferred mobile platform (iOS, Android)

CRM Platform specific information: The Brevo CRM platform collects further information, like the date of sign up, communication history (i.e. when and what kind of communication has been sent to the user or sign up related actions) and other technical fields that ensure the secure sign up, email confirmation, management and unsubscription to and from the newsletter. Often this technical data is not available even for MMOS, e.g. any information before an email address is confirmed.

None of your information is available to other people who signed up to the newsletter

What the data is used for

Email address is used for sending out the MMOS Play Science Newsletter emails to people who signed up to the newsletter.

First name and last name is used to personalize these emails sent to recipients.

Mobile platform preferences help us decide how we prioritize our development efforts of the MMOS Play Science app on different platforms.

Data sharing with third parties

We will never release identifying information or your preferences (as described in the previous chapters) to third parties without your express permission. We may release aggregate information, like what percentage of people select a certain mobile platform as their preferred platform.

We may disclose your data to law enforcement or other government officials to respond to judicial, regulatory, agency or similar inquiries in case we are obliged to do so by law.

If the ownership or control of all or part of our services changes, we may transfer your personal data to the new owner.

Data storage and security measures

We store all data on the Brevo CRM platform. Periodically we will create security backup database exports with the Brevo export functions. These backup files are stored on our Amazon AWS S3 servers in their Ireland data center.

Employees of MMOS and subcontractors who carry out administrative or technological tasks for MMOS are made aware of our privacy policy and practices by reviewing this statement. We follow industry best practices to secure user data, and only necessary personnel have access to our Brevo account and the security backup database.

Removing your data

You can unsubscribe from our email list and thus remove your data anytime following the unsubscribe link sent out in every email we send to you.

Due to technical limitations we cannot immediately remove your data from the security backup databases, but those will automatically disappear as these backups are rotated out with newer versions with the retention of only the last three versions. In case of the unexpected situation if we need to either restore the newsletter email list from a backup file or we have to move the service to other CRM platforms, it may happen that an unsubscribed user would still get a notification due to the above mentioned limitations. In these events we will explicitly describe in detail what happened and how we resolved it.

When we will contact you

We will send out occasional email messages to people who signed up to our newsletter to inform you about any important news about the MMOS Play Science app.

Further information and requests

For information and questions regarding this Privacy policy please contact us at

Changes to the MMOS Play Science Newsletter Privacy Policy

The current version of this Privacy Policy is available here:

Any previous versions of the Privacy Policy can be accessed in this list: no previous versions exist.